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Rhodiola Rosea Extract - What is it?

Rhodiola Rosea Extract comes from the root of the rhodiola rosea plant, often known as Golden Root or Rose Root. It thrives wild in cold conditioned areas throughout the world. These areas include a lot of the Arctic, the Central Asian mountainous areas, the Rocky Mountains, plus the mountainous regions of Europe, including the Alps, Carpathian Mountains, Pyrenees, Scandinavia, Iceland, the British Isles and Canada. It is presently a part of a endeavor by the Alberta provincial government in Canada to expand on a considerable scale given that the wild sources end up being used up.

Rhodiola Rosea Extract - a bit of historic past
Rhodiola Rosea Extract features a extensive heritage and makes many promises,www.headphones-fashion.com. A few of the promises that have been made over the years are: strengthens the nervous system, combats depression, improves immunity, better stamina during strenuous exercise, enhances the memory, may help fat reduction, boosts sexual performance, improving work performance, eliminating fatigue, combating high altitude sickness.

Rhodiola Rosea Extract is actually a natural plant substance that boosts the body's strength and normalizes the bodily functions. What it means to you is that makes your body stronger over all and makes everything work better, in general. Rhodiola goes back to the Greeks around 77 A.D. The Greek physician Dioscordes noted the medical uses of rhodiola rosea in his text De Materia Medica.

Think about the Vikings. They were considered to be the toughest explorers and fighters in existence. They relied on Rhodiola rosea to make them tougher and provide them with greater stamina levels. The Chinese went to great measures and sent expeditions to Siberia to bring back "the golden root" for their medicinal preparations. The people of central Asia brewed tea from Rhodiola Rosea Extract and observed it to be valuable against fighting colds and the flu. Additionally the physicians in Mongolia prescribed it for tuberculosis and cancer.

During the cold war the great Soviet war machine engaged in vast investigation on the herb as part of its pursuit to dominate the west. It was used by Olympians, space exploration, medical science, as well as the army, navy and airforce. The Russians considered that the herb was so amazing that they secured the scientific tests as a military secret, afraid that if the west acquired the information and facts, Russia would suffer a loss of some of its military force. In Siberia they drink vodka infusions of rhodiola regularly, exclaiming if you drink the tonic you will live to over 100 years.

Rhodiola Rosea Extract Availability

In most cases it is available for purchase in capsule form or as a liquid extract. Some health food suppliers sell it in tea form also. Anyone may acquire it in bulk powder and create a vodka infusion for a tonic as well.

Rhodiola Rosea Vodka Tonic

Take 30 g of Rhodiola Rosea Extract powder, add 150 ml of ordinary vodka (no other flavor additives), agitate and steep 3-5 days at room temperature. Separate and filter the extract. Dosage: 1/2 tsp. x 3 times per day. Course: 10-20 days.


Rhodiola Rosea Extract has for ages been a natural part of traditional medicine treatments in Eastern Europe and Asia. It has a reputation for revitalizing the nervous system, decreasing depression, increasing work performance, reducing stress and fatigue, and preventing high altitude sickness. Remember to be certain to check with a medical professional before implementing any sort of herbal supplement to make certain that it is best for you.

DISCLAIMER - The herbal information about Rhodiola Rosea Extract on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Related articles:

