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Cloud, Zheng Qi Lang.
The left tiger cub early takes precautions against, the Yi La Ge just wanted, be put by a feet to pour in the ground, have no in come up to mutually save, don't arrive front of, a steel knife got to neck up.The Yi La Ge poured to all pour, still similar intransigent:"Take advantage o the person's Wei, of no consequence good brave fellow.The small Ye is getting more tired, otherwise beat you are everywhere to seek a tooth!"
Have no inside the fist hold dead dead of, outwardly get very angry in eyes, but for the knife is on the neck and move not get.
Zhao Huan cachinnation way:"Have an affair with man a house to meal a round flat cake also of no consequence good brave fellow?Have no in damage ten thousand rather bridge, also want something to compensate."
The Yi La Ge sits on the ground, lazy get, totally unconcerned ground of say:"Also not is what greatly not of fault, you can not chase how are we."
Zhao Huan is more curious, black boy exactly is what background, the sky is fearlessly not afraid!
"If you can answer me a question, I can put you!"
Yi La the Ge is silly the ground ask a way:"You answer me first a question, am I what things?"
"Brave!"The brave warrior bellows at the same time that this is misdemeanor!
Zhao Huan puts a hand, way:"I am an emperor, big Sung emperor."
Yi La the Ge had no action, have no inside also a bottom sit on the ground, the facial expression is more white.Who can thought of to meet emperor here?
Yi La Ge the small voice ask a way:"You can't kill us,cheap dr dre beats?"
Zhao Huan Qi's way:"I how can and without cause homicidal?When troops went into the city, killed an innocent affair indiscriminately?"
"Have no!"Being temporarily lifeless is dangerous, Yi La Ge by hand ground, the legs stretch to keep and devouringly breathe fresh air, " unimportant piece, I again have no so say.Feed, can you not put my friend?We the two per is a stroller, a peddler, add together is two miserable wretches.Should have no you interested in thing."
Zhao Huan jilts Deng to dismount and waved hand to signal hint to put have no an inside, sit on the step of bridge, learn the idle appearance of the Ge of Yi La, lazy tunnel:"Emperors you came to say, all to what affair interested in?"
The Yi La Ge is one Leng, wanted to think very much, pulled finger, 11 came and feared to say to leak:"The first, seek a few dependable loyal efforts quite good under charge also, 1 leads troops, one does inner palace manager and presumes rebellious disloyal minister to those and have no what say of, all Ka Ca!The second, the under charge must has a few loyal ministers, otherwise is about to pour big mildewed.The third, the bookman examines of time, sit on the gold palace on, choose a form dollar in person, conveniently see again, the form dollar is longly not very good, if looks not bad, again allow the supply to the princess he.4 …… have no an inside, you to say what the fourth is?"
Have no in arrive at near front, also a bit cautious, hang a hand but sign, unwilling nature secretly Piao one eye emperor the his majesty is running into the vision of emperor and hurriedly lower the head to say:"Side pass Gao Ji, that must resist to drive to lead the army personally.Time of fighting, emperor what affairs can forget, only a words must remember and otherwise have the sorrow of life!"
"Is what rubbish so important?"None of Zhao Huan knows to have a words to is such, early knowing should like more!
Have no in start to carry a shelf, take tune, Xuan Dao:"Which love the Qing come to save to drive!"
"As long as finish saying, wait be, affirmation includes valiant general to come out to kill an enemy to hurt, that makes the whip knock gold Deng ring, sing in unison song of victory return, the class teacher returns dynasty."
Zhao Huan carefree cachinnation, the emperor in the drama is really like what they said:"Is quite good, still learned the most important words today, I stuck down.Your 2 people who is the age a little older?"
Chapter 9 too year old(four)

Didn't the inside just thought an answer, Yi La Ge connect make color, robbed to come over to say:"Just we have already answered you a question, all of emperors is gold jade speech, say a not two, can you put us?"
Zhao Huan's point nods, way:"This is the nature!I want to know ……"
The words of behind haven't spoken, Yi La Ge"the carp beats stand" spring up and start to pull have no inside run, run a severals to still turn head to put a hand:"That thanked lord great favor!Return to see you!"
Zhao Huan was for more than 10 years, emperor, live 40 many year old, what once saw thus rude boy?Is probably positive as it does, Zhao Huan just delivers two to these boys more interested in, quickly shout a way:"If occupy to need to be helped, record to come to seek me."
He thoroughly let go of shelf, all need not"I", directly up"I".
2 people who run road suddenly stop, have no an inside way:"How don't walk again?"
The Yi La Ge looks up at blue sky, the bitterness thinks contemplation, fee the strength son of along while, say:"Do you say that he is really an emperor?"
"Affirmation once heard yes and never which individual dare to pretend to be emperor!"
"He how different from the emperor of theatrical stage?"
"H'm, this emperor has a little silly!Also have no the dignity of emperor at 1:00, however, he is different from and is cheating us, should be a true emperor."
Yi La Ge still not ability complete assurance, end again ask for the little colleague's opinion:"Meet emperor whether very difficult?"
"H'm, Weng lived so big age, didn't an emperors see!"
"We return to!It is once to live, rush toward him to is dead!"The Yi La Ge pulls have no in turn round and came back, the big black face was just a little a little bit red, " you have what problem ask!However, I didn't promise of is true words!"
In this way all don't know Yi La the Ge once turned how much way curved curved, is really a clever ghost.Zhao Huan asks a way:"You is the whose age a little older?"
Several Wang De out of the step also stick out ear to listen to.
"Is this?"The Yi La Ge doesn't believe.
"Return ability is what?Might it not be is your controling the secret that the treasure hides, or knowing Japan the blood relationship of Emperor a pure and unadulterated together?"Zhao Huan Tong's heart greatly increases and makes fun a way.
The Yi La Ge way:"Tell you nothing important also, he is bigger than me, big six months."
Have no in have disaffection, Zhao Huan pulls along face to say:"Do I treat you by loyalty of heart,want to cheat me not to become with the leasing?Knowing this is what fault, this is the offense of deceit gentleman, behead."
In a flash, Zhao Huan Long Wei Lin Lin, two youth's facial expression for seeing all changed, the Yi La Ge accompanied to smile to say:"You are how can anyone know of?"
"I not only know this, but also know that you just were just thinking what,cheap beats?"Zhao Huan not and tightly and not and slowly says, " you first live me with the words set, I can not fail to keep promise, and can put you to walk;I am true of did so, you felt to feel suspicious again, don't understand why am I interested in you.The lo wears I don't seem to be a the person whom the lying swindles and say your body again up don't also be worth my cheating of, so, come back to touch.In case of can make what advantage, even if could not make loss also not what.I can say that again not right?"
The Yi La Ge gape,Artist Series, mumbling way:"Good heavens!You how can know that I am just thinking what?Tell me quickly, you are how can anyone know of?"
The color way of Zhao Huan Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De:"You need to be remembered:The world isn't a Yi La Ge only an intelligent person!Person's cleverness always okay, however want to use a positive place, otherwise is smart in small way, have petty gains to eat big Kui!You can walk!"
Zhao Huan also ignores, path the straight up horse is just wanting a Yang whip but go, listens to Yi La the Ge saying:"Fooling you is me not to, you also need not angry!The pretty big age says to walk and then walk, the Te is getting more stingy.
Ha ha, was the fish getting more hungry, is seeking something to eat!
Zhao Huan points at 2 people to say with the horsewhip:"I see you small age and have the whole body good skill in martial arts!Also the person lo writes easy on the eyes, there is heart encouraging you, regrettable, regrettable!"
"Encourage is what mean?"The Yi La Ge doesn't understand as well of affair.
Have no in afraid Yi La the Ge violated emperor again, the Wu lived his to break a mouth, make him not spray muck:"Do you want to make us do what?"
"And their similar brave warrior!"The fish bait flung out to go to, see if the fish took the bait.
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