
beats by dre pro irtuous greatly eat

Chapter 400 rains and winds desire comes
The news that knows that fall, Li Si Ye explodes with rage and immediately recalled east three fortress chief commander's jobs, the patrol explores to news, big anthropophagi from east three fortresses with south eight inside the place cross river, the one side of Li Si Ye adjusts a soldier to send to recover that and strengthen at the same time the Mu embankment resist, on the other hand, he writes letter a , that intelligence report for falling 100,000 very urgent reports gave Li Qing An.
At this time Li Qing An just arrived to accompany war to lift and inspected to believe virtuous food north to carry one matter, believing the virtuous warfare has been already quelled and seal often pure lead 10,000 Tang the soldier aside hide Pu one war shot Kui believe virtuous greatly eat a soldier, greatly eat to destroy a soldier already to Persia escape, seal often pure immediately organize a food north luck, pass by much twoer lunar of effort, 1,000,000 stone foods already arrive wave know Lu big warehouse in Shandong, just and constantly and continuously carry to accompany war to lift.
At this time, that of the intelligence report sent to Li Qing An's hand in, Li Qing where fights to lift all of wharf up pace to and fro, his close soldier then far and far stands on one side, don't dare to bother his way of thinking.
From the description of intelligence report, 3,000 big foods are Gu soldiers thorough river in, have no reinforcements, also have no big food main force front side assault Mu river, they lent breeze snow to cover and once hid Tang Jun's defense line, the surprise attack is that successful, garrisoned that of thousand odd Tang Jun is after dying or injuring half and Be forced to withdraw, Li Si already through adjust 10,000 soldiers, prepare to take back that.
In fact these Lee celebrates Anne to combine nonchalance, what he concerned BE, greatly eat soldier surprise attack that of is the purpose where?These 3,000 strange soldier Gu soldiers go deep into, obviously is come to walk into death, and that also not is what strategic important position, the iron gate closes be, so their surprise attack that is to proceed from a kind of what consider, of course not for seizing a little precious stone, even if seize, they also take not to return to.
The intention of big anthropophagi lets Li Qing An 100 think not get its solution, probably is 1 kind to sound out and sound out the defense of Tang Jun and the loophole of the existence, if is to is this reason, so they choose that the weather of blizzard passes through the Mu river is in no case wise, the Mu river is to have blizzard every day, they basically could not try Tang Jun's true defense ability.
Li Qing An carries to stare at west, this order will be who next, is together graceful virtuous?Li Qing An lightly shook to shake head, together graceful virtuous can't send 3,000 crack come to walk into death, he doesn't have this kind of energy, and comes up to say from the military tactics, this kind of way of doing milli- that goes deep into enemy's territory is nonsense, unless is to send 10,000 people, there is probably also the effect to attack from both flanks before or after, is not likely to be together graceful virtuous meaning, so will be who?
Li Qing An thoughted of a person, Man Su Er, only Man Su Er would make thus resolute decision, so as one country emperor, what is the purpose that he does like this ?If consider from Man Su Er's angle, Li Qing An then found out some answer around around unclearly, but this kind of answer is still lack definition, as if see the felling of flower in fog.
At this time, the distance spreads a burst of disturbance, Li Qing An not from curiously hope to go to the wharf, sees wharf up of does the worker rush to go to the distance in succession and imitate a Buddha to take place what affair?
"Take place He Shi?"Li Qing An asks close soldier's way.
The close soldier immediately finds out, a short moment comes back to report a report:"Report back a great commander soldier, had a group of elephantses the conveyance brigade to arrive, everyone ran the food Cang there joined a crowd for fun."
Li Qing An also the fascination is hundred percent, he turns over a horse of body and rushes toward the food Cang direction diseases and go, accompany war to lift big food Cang, 1 constitutes to°from thousand elephants to transport a brigade, just and nearly ten thousand stone foods carry and accompany war to lift almost whole citieses to start out and support the old and carry young to left for the arrival, a short moment of appreciating the elephant conveyance brigade, Li Qing An also rushed into food Cang place.
"Great commander soldier see quickly!"
A few close soldiers excitedly point at afar to shout a way, "elephant conveyance the brigade came."
Sees the afar appear one dense troops of paying, 1,000 elephants, carry on the back the last Duo a heavy food, positive in file to this place slowly walk, vehemence excrescent grand view, in the elephant both sides, a brigade rides a soldier or so escort.
The escort rode a soldier to also discover Li Qing An at this time, more than tens rode a soldier to dash away but went to, and far and far someone yells:"Great commander soldier, the vulgar job is here!"
Li Qing An smiled, he had already recognized out a person is exactly Zhao Chong Jie who is all appointed by him for letter virtuous pairs Du.
Zhao Chong Jie dashes away but goes to, he turns over a body to dismount and kneels Shi Yi's military salute to Li Qing An's half, excited way:"End Zhao Chong Jie, pay respects to a great commander soldier!"
"General start to please quickly and quickly!"
Li Qing An hands he, see him black and thin, not from tiny sigh a way:"General is all the way hard."
"Vulgar working talent food the north come back from carrying, although is a little bit harder,also feel have achievement."
"Say quite goodly, come!Sit down to talk."
Li Qing An seat the ground sit with the legs crossed, Zhao Chong Jie also sat down, and Li Qing An said with smile:"Said to believe a virtuous circumstance, with big food soldier a war, hear being very breathtaking, concretely saying to see."
Zhao Chong's node nod, way:"Really very breathtaking, big anthropophagi of letter virtuous governor of province call the Yi cloth pull Xin, this person craftiness abnormality, he uses believe a virtuous soil soldier disguise as big food soldier main force from side hide Pu go up north, seal general lead 15,000 the soldiers squared, but just halfway get news, greatly eat a soldier 20,000 main force make a detour make a surprise attack the cloth Luo's city big food database, cloth Luo city food database only 3,000 Tang the soldier guard a soldier, at that time is exactly evening, everyone urgently must keep stamping foot, very anxious to put wings fly once food database, but seal general send 3,000 people disguise as big troops is taken by surprise rush a time, his main force follow behind, many will all ignore a solution, seal general just smile and not speech, indeed as expected not 20 in, 2,000 Tang soldier then be ambushed of the big food main force ambuscade, as a result seal general of main force from behind distinctly press up, beat big food ambush a caught unprepared, 8,000 greatly eat several main near whole army is routeds, the Yi cloth pulls Xin took several 100 people escape, kill more than 4,000 persons, living capture 3,500 people, that and the great commander soldier once beat one battle of pull Ji virtuous be also livinged capture, Tang Jun Zhi dies or injures more than 800 person, it may be said results in battle brilliancy."
"Indeed as expected don't take my heavy give, this battle beats beautifully."
Li Qing An repeatedly praises, he asks a way again:"That general is the main force that how can anyone know and greatly eat a soldier will ambush on the road?"
"After the event we also ask a general, will he how can anyone know have ambush?Seal general to say, since the big anthropophagi are used to believe the virtuous soil soldier pretends to be a main force and so strike against the big food main force of food database also don't necessarily true of, because he gets intelligence report and greatly eat main only more than 8,000 personses of soldiers, if it is to take a letter the German Army strike against a food database, so can't take more than 10,000 persons, can't be this proportion, at least is 1-3, total troops should above 40,000 people just normal, this is to seal the general is from the captive study big food soldier commander-in-chief after get the conclusion of , that Yi cloth's pulling the habit of Xin always is all to greatly eat a soldier to go together with three servant's soldiers, so he predicts and strike against a food database of big food soldier the main force may also is to counterfeit very much, purpose for lowering Tang Jun's vigilance, but the main force be halfway ambushing, really sealed general to guess as a result rightness."
"Know that bosom friend, then can 100 war not Dai, sealed general to give me the apocalypse!"
Li Qing An pretty much regrets, he the biggest problem lie in not to know that now, he not know big anthropophagi of adjust soldier's circumstance, also not know a to pay 3,000 people to make a surprise attack that of what is the reason ?And these key to problem, lie in his circumstance to the big food troops to know not a thing, man Tang will in the intelligence report net of Damascus also can know some affair on level.
Thought of this, Li Qing An asks a way again:"This time luck come how many foods?"
"Report back a great commander soldier, we use 20,000 elephants to transport food this time, there is also a great deal of wagon, 1 time carried about 500,000 stone foods and threw away road what top consume, about have 400,000 stones to carry into wave to know a mountain warehouse."
"The elephant isn't afraid of cold?"Li Qing An is some to curiously ask a way.
"The elephant likes to be hot, but also not afraid cold, food mainly is all the way difficult to seek elephant, along the road almost all nations mobilize to seek wild fruit wild vegetable for elephant, this is the most difficult matter, must temporarily stop for a few months after finishing carrying this, wait in spring arrive behind again carry."
Make reference to this, Zhao Chong Jie thinks of one matter and touches a gilded box saying with smile from the bosom:"Originally wanted to send a person to send a ground leaf, had never thought meet a great commander soldier here, this is to seal general to strike against the north to India get a piece war booty, life I delivered to dedicate to the great commander soldier."
Li Qing An who is often pure to lead 5,000 to ride the affair that the soldier sweeps India more than ten small countries in the north has already understood and pull its Pu the person India set up more than ten small countries in the north especially, they are respectively, the result is sealed often pure 5,000 cavalrieses pursue the shot break, seven small countries surrender Tang Jun and seal often pure whence rob a great deal of gold and silver of jewelry and about 1,000,000 stone foods, prepare north to send a ground leaf,beats by dre pro, Li Qing An then guesses, is by all means the baby rare in piece in gilded box.
He once connected gilded box to say with smile:"BE what?"
"The great commander soldier opens and sees and then knew."
Li Qing's safety hit opens gilded box, the inside is unexpectedly a bright brilliant yellow diamond, the size is like the infant's fist, precious abnormality, the Rao is Li Qing An to see a treasure innumerable, but so big diamond, he is still a first sight, he not from surprised way:"Is this to seal general Duo to arrive?"
"BE, this is the treasure of country in the town of a small country, inset on their king's crown, dedicated the crown to while surrendering general."
Li Qing An smiled, way:"You the returning to give to take for me message to seal general, say that I got a baby's daughter, this diamond was the gift that he sends to my daughter, my imperial concubine also wants to born and estimates to is a boy, let he again prepare a gift, I will compensate him and wait he to come back, I invite him to eat red egg and biscuit."
"Was kinglet Ye born?"The exultation way of Zhao Chong Jie.
"Didn't°yet!Listen to produce an old woman to say may be a boy, only wish that produces an old woman to be a crow mouth."
Opened fun, Li Qing An then and right on the spot wrote a message and sealed like, hand over to Zhao Chong Jie the way:"You immediately return to believe virtuous, tell a general, greatly the food soon would be anti- to rush toward and probably beat to believe virtuous, let him work well a war preparedness!But also need not worry too much, I have already issued order that Li Guang Bi matches with to believe it's virtuous, the common defense greatly eat."
Zhao Chong Jie once connected letter to accept well, started to go one gift, "vulgar job this took leave."
"Go to!It is all the way careful."
Zhao Chong Jie turns over a horse of body and rushes toward the food Cang direction to go, Li Qing An has been hoping he walks far, this just returned to wharf, at accompany war lift wharf, reached to adjust a soldier to gather to make under Li Qing An, from the ground leaf adjust 50,000 battalions to rush through to leave for river, again from the each the stone country and the rather far country adjust 10,000 troops the west enter and plus 30,000 troops in the river, so adjusted to gather 100,000 battalions, again life accompany war lift to adjust 500,000 stone foods to go to Samarkand, the Chong makes provisions for army.
At the same time, Li Qing An writes a letter again the section is to the Byzantium emperor general Ni, ask him to act according to agreement, prepare to fight Arab with Tang Jun.
After a way order sends out, Li Qing An left to accompany war to lift, to Samarkand but go.
That city, 10,000 Tang soldier already the soldier face a city bottom, at this time, leave a big food soldier to capture that city already and pass by for five days, breeze snow has already stopped, the city inside the city all outside becomes the world of white snow Ai Ai.
Accompany with'Dong!Dong!'Of drumbeat, 10,000 Tang soldier at be apart from city five in outside stopped an advanced step, they didn't are eager to taking the offensive, but right on the spot firm descend tent, the tent in a crest gray appears the world in white in, particularly refreshing, Anne west Tang Jun's big ensign is hunting to dance in the wind in the breeze.
On the city wall, greatly eat rare Mu of the soldier chief commander's sand to nervously eye the circumstance out of the city, according to the together graceful virtuous order, he needs to insist for ten days at that, if he can succeed to return to shout Luo Shan, so he will drive Man Su Er seal for the Libyan governor of province.
The huge benefits temptation makes the rare Mu of sand throw the danger of brain after, he already the decision defend city for ten days, then break through siege back to shout Luo Shan, is this, he has already done a great deal of preparation, he forces the Muslem in the city as his effect, he tores down the palace of small history country and follow city wall a take of house, get a great deal of piece of stone with add the bow and arrow that they don't gain advantage, moreover, he sends a person to stop up completely again two front doors with the megalith, they are to bump a door but go into, the city gate knowing that doesn't fructify.
For encouraging morale, the sand rare Mu also issued order to confiscate the home of a few big businessmen in Samarkand and got a great deal of stock precious stone, will he these precious stones divide to the soldier is the award for merit that they follow behind their they to die to fight.
Though the sand is rare Mu hope Tang Jun in ten days again, the circumstance isn't wonderful, on the fifth day evening, 10,000 Tang soldier on schedule but go to.
Comes to 10,000 troops, this lets the sand hope to rose a front line hope again in the heart of Mu, if they defend successful, 10,000 people can don't necessarily capture that city.
The color of the sky dark, the cope of night quietly condescends to come, just wiped in the color of the sky black, suddenly rang out the war drum voice of bombing the Long Long in Tang Jun's big camp, the big food soldiers of city all frightenned jump, nervously eyed in addition to city, Tang Jun Da Dun's camp appeared action, saw more than ten scaling ladder with huges appeared from the tent, all over the place of Tang Jun's infantry followed behind at the scaling ladder around and step by step opened into to the city wall.
"Prepare piece of stone, clear for action!"Sand the rare Mu Be harsh voice to yell, he doesn't understand Tang Jun to how can choose that the nighttime offends city and sees not pure other party in the dark night, and life and death can be from sky.
Under city, Tang Jun chief commander is exactly in the river all Du Li Si Ye, he leads soldier in person to take back that city, the Shi kills all of all big food soldiers for invading.
The vision dispassion of Li Si Ye looks at 15 huge scaling ladders to slowly push forward to the city wall, this kind of scaling ladder is under a huge base, underneath Anne has a wood round, each scaling ladder is pulled by 50 camels, the scaling ladder base is also a flowing defense set at the same time, and each scaling ladder base all below hides several hundred Tang Jun.
The scaling ladder constitutes to°from lord steps and pair steps, lord steps fixedly on the base, pair the steps then is very vivid, stretch and shrink from such as, tallest can reach to ten Zhangs, be good enough to take up the great majority city wall, and most the top is huge to hang up, in order to hang up a city wall.
Although that city is the third city in river,that just says he is densely populated and trade flourishing, don't mean its city wall is generous, contrary, in addition to Samarkand and cloth admire pull, none of city defenses of the various country in river Gao Da Dun, also Be different from the city defense of tang dynasty so dig a moat, that of city wall only have five Zhang Gao, the city wall isn't thick actually, there is no moat, using to offend a city mallet can directly bump city,Tang Jun didn't carry to offend a city mallet, these 15 scaling ladders seem is that they all offend city weapon.
The huge scaling ladder finally arrived a city bottom, the long long vice- steps stretched out from the lord steps, more and more high, bomb ground one take ascend city wall, prison in the hook prison hangs up city brick, underneath of Tang Jun main pair the steps tie tight, Tang Jun then from the base inside climb, fast out and away hurtle toward the city head to, city of city bottom arrows like heavy downpour, the rock imitates the Buddha hail son sort to hit bottom, long the pike fly a sting and shout to kill an earthquake for sky, a horrifying Ao war gradually drew back prologue.
On more than ten scaling ladders, non-commissioned officer Tang's soldier keeps shield all alone and takes knife all alone, crest wear city up shoot next arrows rain, climb difficultly and upward, often have soldier be hit by the piece of stone in, bellow vacillating bottom scaling ladder, the heavy food soldier of city crazily excrescent, they start to embrace piece of stone get down fierce hit, the megalith is vacillating in Tang Jun's overhead, a chain of hit next 45 person, cry piteously to sink into, mostly fall onto ground to die a tragic death.
But Tang Jun's bow and arrow sharp abnormality, if fly a Huang sort to all over the place shoot, greatly eat a soldier to have a little bit to stretch forward, be then and immediately shot by the bow and arrow medium face, prostrate dead bodies a city head.
At this time, sand rare the Mu lead several big food soldiers in person and live scaling ladder with the fork crest and toghter use a strength and yell a voice in the one in, the cleek of scaling ladder gradually escaped from a city wall, drive big food the soldier lift to turn over to go out, pair the steps bomb however inclined pour, several Tang Jun on the ladder follow scaling ladder to crash a city wall and bellow a voice to shout into one.
Continuously have non-commissioned officer Tang the soldier to hurtle a city head, but be soon killed by the ferocious big food soldier, throw a corpse city outside, the warfare is horrifying abnormality.
Li Si Ye coldly hopes Ao of city wall war, offend a city war this time, he didn't use the strongest troops for he, 5,000 Mo knife soldier, use Mo knife the soldier offend city, greatly eat bow and arrow and piece of stones of soldiers will can not have a function, Yan such as in those early years he in person take the offensive connect cloud fortress was general.
And this time, he got Li Qing An's instruction, experiment a kind of secret weapon, Li Si Ye sees opportune moment have been mature, then and lightly on putting a hand, in the big debt, several dark shadows are under the covering of night view and quickly once rounded a city wall and arrived at east city, Tang Jun's aggressions all concentrate at north city, mostly and greatly eat a soldier also at north city defense, only have very few one part at south city up guard, but east city ascend cold and dreary, have no a big food soldier to defend, because here have no city gate, don't defend of necessity.
A few dark shadows dash away into a city wall to descend, they found out a cake of suitable city brick and used iron Han along the wall sews a little excavation, the city wall is to carve with the piece of stone, in the center have ash syrup, they dig ash syrup to go and peep out a blind side of breadth and keep inside a city wall, a few dark shadows immediately stretch into blind side with iron hook and use a strength together, city brick a little pull up, last a connect three pieces of city bricks be pulled up, peeped out a 2 Chinese feet see wide big hole.
A dark shadow immediately dismantles after death of package, from in took out a disc-shaped iron guy, very heavy of, the foot has 3410 catties of heavy.
A few dark shadows carefully filled into iron guy inside the city hole, 'Mao'a , a regiment flame sets alight and illuminates the nervous face of black dress man, his carefully sparking dish is at igniting of iron guy top line.
'Chi!'Ignited line to spark, beginning even soon burnable, at this time, a few dark shadows take off and run like mad, the desperation ground rushes to escape to the distance, a short moment, they only break out of 400 remainings tread, hears an astounding explosion, the earths are shivering, a few dark shadow servants are on the ground, dead the life ground embrace a head, the explosion voice is deafening, thick smoke blunt sky but rise, crushed stones four fly, fly number in outside, close behind again is bomb Long one is huge ring, the eastern city wall was thoroughly deep-fried to fall, peeped out the big indentation that a breadth reaches to ten several Zhangs.
That city already untenable defensive position.
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